Threads, in simple terms, is the basic unit of execution; It runs the code. It has its own stack and shares the heap space and resources with other threads in the process. Process could also be considered as the unit of execution, but threads are light weight as it shares several stuff with other threads in the process.
You may want to look at my blog post on Processes,
Multi-threading has certain problems which Multi-processing doesn't have, like synchronization of threads, as processes would run in their own different address space and have its own set of resources. But since threads are light weight, it is better to use threads if tasks are short-lived.
You may want to look at my blog post on Processes,
Why Multi-threading
Any program or software may have to perform CPU activity and IO activity, during the execution. These activities are exclusive, and performed by CPU and IO processor respectively. At certain times, either CPU or IO would be completely idle, if the program runs in a single thread. Multi threading may help in this scenario. During IO on one thread won't necessarily hinder CPU activity in another thread. And now a days, computers are powered by multi cores/ processors. Simultaneously several threads can run to improve performance, even though all are CPU intensive. Multi-processing is another way to effectively utilize the computing/ IO resources. Every task would be assigned a process.Multi-threading has certain problems which Multi-processing doesn't have, like synchronization of threads, as processes would run in their own different address space and have its own set of resources. But since threads are light weight, it is better to use threads if tasks are short-lived.
Java threads
Java has nice abstraction for threads in a class, Thread. So, creating a thread is as simple as instantiating a thread object. Thread has to be assigned some code to run, right. Java has an abstraction for that also, with its Runnable interface which has only one method "run". Just have a look at the following snippet for Thread creation.
We have implemented the "run" method of Runnable interface and assigned the "target" object in the Thread object, thread. Given these, "thread" object is all set. In order to start this thread, we have to call the start method in thread object. After that, a new thread would be spawned and the main thread would continue further. Ok, at one point of time, we may need to wait for created thread to complete its task, right? In order to do so, we need to call thread object's join method from the parent thread; Join forces the calling thread to wait until the called thread is terminated. Let us have a look at the full code for this.
Forgot to mention, there is one more way to create thread which is to extend the Thread class and override its run method. But I would suggest the Runnable interface way, which looks clean and more readable than the other way.
Since multiple threads are running in the process, it is good to make sure the threads are always doing some useful work. Think of a thread implementation which keeps on polling for some information in a tight while loop. Won't it hurt the overall system performance? Ok, In those scenarios, thread may give up its execution so that CPU could go ahead with other threads in the process. For that, thread may invoke "sleep" method which causes the CPU to suspend the execution of the thread for some time and switch over to the other threads. Sleep method has to be provided with time argument which signifies until when the thread has to be suspended. This time period should be approximate as it is not guaranteed that CPU would resume the thread exactly after this period of time, which is impossible.
A snippet of code to illustrate this,
In this example, you could see, an try catch around Sleep method. Yes, sleep could throw Interrupted exception. In the same way, Join could also be interrupted. You have to gracefully handle this, in your application. Mostly, this exception could be ignored. Let us see an example with Interrupt from main thread and its handling in Child thread.
You may want to have a look at Java synchronization and atomic variables related stuff, which is discussed in a different post,
Thanks for reading, friends.
Multithreading is a concept of java. Thanks for sharing this topic with us. If anyone interested to learn more about java, they can join an institute for java course. There are many java course service providers which provide best java training course in Kanpur, Mumbai, Delhi, Pune, and other cities in India.